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Page: Site.HGSM - Last Modified : Tue, 30 Sep 08

Hierarchical Grid Site Managment

To summarize the design, the applications supports only one GOC (Grid Operation Center), assuming that it is used for only one grid. It can have several ROCs (Regional Operation Centers), each ROC can have several countries, and each country can have several sites. Each ROC, country and site can have one (or more) admins, which are able to modify the data of the structure (record) which they admin (ROC, country or site), and to manage substructures as well. Managing substructures means that they can also validate/appoint the admins of the substructures,

e.g. A country admin can validate/appoint the site admins. The admins are recognized automatically by their certificate (without the need to use passwords).

Installation instrcution

  • Make sure that phpWebApp is installed (the directory 'web_app/' exists), and check that the path to it in 'config/const.Paths.php' is correct.
  • Make sure if you are running mysql server.
  • Install the database: - Modify 'db/'. - Run 'db/' (which uses 'hgsm.sql' to create the DB). - Modify also the constants in 'config/const.DB.php'.
  • If the script fails to create database create manually
  • Make the file 'templates/menu/menu_items.js' writable by apache (this can be done only by root): --scr bash$ su
    bash# chgrp apache templates/menu/menu_items.js
    bash# chmod 664 templates/menu/menu_items.js

  • Create the localization (translation) object files. Go to 'l10n/' and run: --scr bash$ ./ sq_AL
    bash$ ./ en
    bash$ ./ hr
    Read also 'l10n/README.txt'
  • Configure SSL in apache. Install and configure mod_ssl. You need to change the following options in '/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf':


  SSLCertificateFile /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem
  SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem
  SSLCACertificatePath /etc/grid-security/certificates
  SSLCARevocationPath /etc/grid-security/certificates
  SSLVerifyClient optional
  SSLVerifyDepth  10
  • Modify the GOC admin certificate subjects at 'authenticate.php'.

Important Note

  1. You can have only "One" GOC Grid Operation center
  2. Check authenticate.php if the DN for admin is correct
  3. If Admin field is empty it could be edited anyone so make sure you have enter admi DN for each COUNTRIES, SITE, NODE
  4. Euindia HGSM instance could be found under

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