@import url(https://gimo2.pd.infn.it:25555/pmwiki/pub/skins/sinorca/basic.css); @import url(https://gimo2.pd.infn.it:25555/pmwiki/pub/skins/sinorca/layout.css); @import url(https://gimo2.pd.infn.it:25555/pmwiki/pub/skins/sinorca/sinorca.css);
In order to verify if DGAS service on HLR is working well we create a logwatch sensor on prod-ce-02
CE that checks if glite-dgas-pushd
is sending records correctly to prod-hlr-01
(grep on EXITSTATUS=255).
Here is the configuration we set up:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
(to define general information on the service to be monitored)
########################################################################## # /etc/logwatch/conf/services/dgas.conf ########################################################################## Title = "dgas" # Which logfile group... LogFile = dgas # vi: shiftwidth=3 tabstop=3 et
* /etc/logwatch/conf/logfiles/dgas.conf
(to define what log files to be parsed)
########################################################################## # /etc/logwatch/conf/logfiles/dgas.conf ########################################################################## # What actual file? Defaults to LogPath if not absolute path.... LogFile = /opt/glite/var/log/dgas_ce_pushd.log Archive = /opt/glite/var/log/dgas_ce_pushd.log.* # Use the following date filter *ApplyDgasDate # vi: shiftwidth=3 tabstop=3 et
(to match date in glite-dgas-pushd.log format)
########################################################################## # /etc/logwatch/scripts/shared/applydgasdate ########################################################################## use Logwatch ':dates'; my $Debug = $ENV{'LOGWATCH_DEBUG'} || 0; $SearchDate = TimeFilter('%b %e %H:%M:%S'); # The date might be "Dec 09", but it needs to be "Dec 9"... $SearchDate =~ s/ 0/ /; if ( $Debug > 5 ) { print STDERR "DEBUG: Inside ApplyDgasDate...\n"; print STDERR "DEBUG: Looking For: " . $SearchDate . "\n"; } while (<STDIN>) { defined($ThisLine = <STDIN>); if ($ThisLine =~ m/^$SearchDate: /o) { print $ThisLine; } elsif ($ThisLine =~ m/(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun) $SearchDate \d{4}: /o) { print $ThisLine; } } # vi: shiftwidth=3 syntax=perl tabstop=3 et
* /etc/logwatch/scripts/services/dgas
(to parse the log and match EXITSTATUS=255)
########################################################################## # /etc/logwatch/scripts/services/dgas ########################################################################## use strict; use Logwatch ':all'; use Net::SSH qw(ssh_cmd); use Email::Valid; my $conn = 'root@prod-hlr-01.pd.infn.it'; my $command = "service glite-dgas-hlrd restart"; my $count = 0; my $sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t"; my $from = "From: root\n"; my $to = "To: grid-services-pd\@infn.it\n"; my $subject = "Subject: DGAS pushd check\n"; my $content; while (defined(my $ThisLine = <STDIN>)) { if ($ThisLine =~ /EXITSTATUS=255/) { #print "$ThisLine\n"; # debug $count++; } } if ($count > 3) { ssh_cmd($conn, $command); $content = "DGAS pushd fails $count times since last check!\nThe service glite-dgas-hlrd has been restarted on HLR."; print "\nPushd faults: " . $count . "\n"; # mail open(SENDMAIL, "|$sendmail") or die "Cannot open $sendmail: $!"; print SENDMAIL $from; print SENDMAIL $to; print SENDMAIL $subject; print SENDMAIL "Content-type: text/plain\n\n"; print SENDMAIL $content; close(SENDMAIL); } exit(0); # vi: shiftwidth=3 tabstop=3 syntax=perl et
(enable periodical check)
*/30 * * * * root (date; rm -rf /var/cache/logwatch/*; /usr/sbin/logwatch --service dgas --range 'since 30 minutes ago for those minutes' --print) >> /var/log/dgas-pushd-check.log 2>&1
if all is OK:
on prod-hlr-01
Thu Mar 12 14:00:02 CET 2009 ################### Logwatch 7.3.6 (05/19/07) #################### Processing Initiated: Thu Mar 12 14:01:12 2009 Date Range Processed: since 30 minutes ago for those minutes ( 2009-Mar-12 13h 31m / 2009-Mar-12 14h 01m ) Period is minute. Detail Level of Output: 0 Type of Output: unformatted Logfiles for Host: prod-ce-02.pd.infn.it ################################################################## --------------------- dgas Begin ------------------------ Pushd faults: 4 ---------------------- dgas End ------------------------- ###################### Logwatch End #########################
to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys2
in order to enable SSH command from prod-ce-02
scp root@prod-ce-02:/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ~/prod-ce-02_id_rsa.pub cat ~/prod-ce-02_id_rsa.pub >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys2
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